Issue 2021-2 (148)
Problems of architecture and urban planning
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Editorial Board
Problems of architecture and urban planning
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Editorial Board
Urban Planning Science in the XXI Century
T. V. Vavilonskaya5-11
The Influence of Industry on the Formation of the Principles of Compositional Reorganization of Urban Planning Formations in Donbas Cities
H. A. Benai, N. R. Smirnova, N. N. Kharkovskaya12-18
Principles of Architectural and Spatial Organization of Buildings and Structures of Media Centers and Methods of Implementation
H. A. Benai, K. S. Romanova19-24
Use of Disturbed Lands in an Industrial City
N. V. Sholukh, A. V. Babenko25-30
Formation and Development of Architecture of Buildings, Structures, their Complexes with Underground Structures in the Cities of Donbas
Ye. A. Gayvoronskiy, D. A. Djhereley31-44
Features of Landscaping and Improvement of the Territory of Industrial Enterprises, Providing for the Organization of Places of Employment for Visually Impaired People: an Analysis of World Practice
N. V. Sholukh, V. A. Pundik, Ye. I. Satsura45-52
Connection of the Interior Spaces of the Building with the External Environment
R. N. Lipuga, D. A. Melnik53-59
Domestic Experience in the Development of the Architecture of Commercial Buildings in the XVII–XXI Centuries
R. N. Lipuga, D. I. Suslenkova60-67
Current Trends in the Architectural Environment of Intra-Residential Spaces
I. M. Lobov, A. V. Yahina68-72
Concept of Architectural and Urban Design of Scientific Research Centers of Disaster Medicine
I. M. Lobov, A. M. Motina73-77
Modern Trends in the Development of Architecture of Buildings and Structures of Secondary Schools to be Reconstructed
T. V. Radionov, M. Yu. Otkidach78-83
Scientific and Practical Basis of Architectural-Typological Development of Children’s Cancer Complexes in the Cities of Donbas
T. V. Radionov, S. L. Vashchinsky, I. A. Dikaya84-92
Modern Architectural Approaches During the Reconstruction of Residential Buildings in the Cities of the Donetsk Region
S. L. Vaschinsky, A. D. Maksanova93-99
On the Issue of the Cost of Real Estate for Tax Purposes in Ukraine and Russia
L. N. Bogak, A. V. Kholostenko100-105
Progressive Methods of Compositional Formation of Recreational Areas on the Example of World Design Experience
O. I. Knyajhik, Ye. A. Odinochkin106-112
Innovative Approaches in the Field of Architectural and Functional Organization of Scientific and Educational Center
L. Ye. Dukina113-120
Spatial and Environmental Organization of Coastal Territories of Recreation Zones
Yu. A. Isaeva121-128
Modern Trends for Forming the Environment of Educational Institutions
Ye. I. Kaydalova129-137
Architectural and Urban Planning Organization of Research Institutions in the Conditions of Complex Reconstruction
A. N. Konnikova138-145
Architectural and Urban Planning Priorities in the Reconstruction of Open-Type Shopping Complexes
I. A. Kuzik146-152
Principles of the Functional-Planning Organization of Railway Station Complexes in the Conditions of Reconstruction
V. Yu. Oprya153-156