Issue 2024-3(167) Buildings and structures using new materials and technologies


Editorial board


Tatyana Savenkova, Ekaterina Vlasenko
Improving the Environmental Safety of Motor Transport by Rational Regulation of the Power Plant

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The article considers the main ways to reduce harmful emissions from road transport and substantiates the appropriate direction based on the rational regulation of power plant units under specified operating conditions in order to reduce specific emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. It is proposed to implement this approach by numerically modeling the process of driving a car in the conditions of the selected driving cycle. To do this, it is necessary to develop simulation models of a number of vehicle characteristics, which primarily requires the improvement of methods and means for experimentally determining the composition of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines, taking into account the influence of the dynamics of unsteady operating modes, as well as their design and adjustment parameters. It is assumed that this approach will allow us to develop a strategy for regulating the power plant, consisting mainly of engine operating modes that are most environmentally friendly; it is expected that the results can also be applied to create control algorithms for promising automotive power plants, including hybrid ones.
Key words: exhaust gases, harmful substances, toxicity, driving cycle, internal combustion engine, car.


Tatyana Malyutina, Elena Korotych
Specifying the Surface of Rotation of a Circular Sinusoid using the Moving Simplex Method

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. We consider the point equation of a circular sinusoid [6], constructed by a well-known graphical algorithm, using methods of BN-calculus (Baluba-Naidysh point calculus). We present an example of the point assignment of the surface of rotation of a circular sinusoid, based on the moving simplex method (MPS), with the image as a circular sinusoid. Modelling of the surface of rotation of a circular sinusoid is based on the kinematic method of formation of spatial forms, where a sinusoid acts as a formant, which by rotation around the vertical axis along the axial circle guide forms a surface of rotation. By specifying the current curve parameter k – the ratio of the radii of two circles, the axial circle, and the circumference of the circle, we obtain examples of constructing surfaces of rotation (Figs. 5–7), implemented using a computer (e. g., using the Maple software package). The method of constructing a surface of rotation of a circular sinusoid by the guiding axial circle on a plane arbitrarily defined by a simplex of points, proposed in this article, can take a worthy place in a number of existing traditional and innovative methods of construction.
Key words: point equation of circular sinusoid, BN calculus, rotation surface of circular sinusoid, moving simplex method.


Polina Makhova, Polina Kladieva
Practical Aspects of using Virtual Reality in Construction

FSBEI HE «Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov»
Abstract. The construction industry is actively developing every year. New methods are being used, new technologies are being introduced. One such technology is virtual reality. Virtual reality in construction is a new promising direction that allows us to develop the industry and improve the quality and safety of work performed. This technology ensures coordinated and efficient work to bring the construction project to life. But not all participants in the construction process use and know about the benefits of introducing virtual reality technology into their work. By using virtual reality, it is possible to achieve complete understanding between designers, contractors, investors and other project participants. This article discusses aspects of the use of virtual reality technology in construction for different participants in the construction process, types of equipment and software.
Key words: information modeling, virtual reality in construction.


Lilia Panteleenko
Construction Printing as a Resource-Efficient Technology for Additive-Modular Production of Building Structures

FSBEI HE «Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov»
Abstract. The paper outlines the main advantages of 3D construction printing and the use of modern technology to save labor and time resources. The article identifies particularly significant problems faced by the construction industry when introducing printing technology into practice, as well as their possible solution. The concept of 3D construction printing technology is proposed, which will automate the creation of resource-efficient structure formation of the structural volume of a structure in order to optimize its construction printing, a catalog of possible typical spatially curved printing structures is compiled, the main research objectives are set, the results of qualitative and quantitative analyses used in scientific work are presented. During the research, optimal topological solutions were identified, that is, having a minimum weight with a fixed strength under different loading conditions.
Key words: additive technologies, construction printing, 3d printing, construction printer, resource-efficient topology, topological grid, printing of building structures.


Sergey Tsarenko, Evgeny Golovanev
Investigation of Parametric Oscillations of a Rigid Rotor on Elastic Supports

FSBEI HE «Kamchatka State Technical University»
Abstract. The paper studies the dynamics of a rigid rotor on elastic supports for the case of a variable moment of inertia in the transverse direction. The mathematical model of the rotor is represented by a system of differential equations with variable coefficients. The calculated dependences are presented using dimensionless quantities. The solution of the system of equations is obtained numerically by the Adams method. For the special case of a rotary system, when the moment of inertia is constant, an analytical solution has been found. The calculation results for the two models are compared. It has been established that there may be cases of parametric resonance at frequencies that are significantly lower than the natural oscillation frequencies. A condition has been obtained under which it is possible to replace elastic supports with absolutely rigid ones. The simulation results for the linear and nonlinear formulation of the problem showed a similar behavior of displacement functions in the frequency range up to the first natural frequency, with the exception of parametric resonance zones.
Key words: rotary dynamics, dynamic loads, laboratory bench, vibrations of elastic systems, parametric vibrations, resonance.


Polina Pokushalova, Alina Shandrikova, Andrey Naumov
Creation and use of a Library of Information Parametric Models of Building Structure Elements

FSBEI HE «Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov»
Abstract. The active growth of construction leads to the search for new solutions in the organization of architectural and construction production throughout the life cycle of a capital construction facility, including information modeling technologies (BIM technologies), the presence of which has become necessary and economically justified. With the help of BIM technologies, a complete digital model of a capital construction facility is created. Technologies allow you to virtually monitor changes in a capital construction facility during the life cycle: at the stages of design, construction, operation and even demolition. An important and in-demand element of information modeling technology is the technology of parametric modeling, which includes the creation of an object using parameters and their relationships to each other. The use of parametric modeling can solve several problems at once. The article discusses the key problems and opportunities provided by the use of parametric modeling technology.
Key words: information modeling, parametric modeling technology, library of information parametric objects.


Olga Vul, Ekaterina Voronina, Tatyana Timofeeva
Modern Art Objects in the Residential Architectural Environment of St. Petersburg at the End of the 20th Century

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University»
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issues of changing the aesthetic component of the architectural environment of residential buildings in St. Petersburg at the end of the 20th century. The authors propose a brief typology of art objects that allows us to study the development of historically established areas from the point of view of the formation of accent points of attraction. In the modern environment of residential areas of St. Petersburg, the traditional way of creating art objects in the second half of the 20th century is preserved as small architectural forms of a certain functional nature – fountains, playgrounds, thematic sculptures. However, established trends in the design of art objects are not decisive for the modern development of the architectural environment. The work reveals the relevance of developing a new type of art objects based on increasing the importance of an integrated approach to the renovation of the urban landscape, built on the synthesis of design and architecture. The authors explore new possibilities for reorganizing the environment through wall painting and changing the nature of street sculpture. As an example of a new perception of art objects as a conceptual basis for changing the surrounding space, the article provides a description of the plastic environmental compositions of V. A. Votsky (Gavrilov).
Key words: Art objects, residential development, architectural environment, design, sculpture, murals, small architectural forms, urban landscape.


Victor Levchenko, Evgeniy Dmitrenko, Sergey Mashtaler, Maksim Malashkevich, Mikhail Molochko
Methodology for Determining the Economic Efficiency of Design Solutions for Anti-Corrosion Protection, Taking into Account the Costs at Various Stages of the Creation and Operation of Building Structures

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The methodology for determining the economic efficiency of anti-corrosion protection design solutions provides for a comparison of total capital investments and operating costs for the considered protection options, taking into account the time factor and the service life of the construction object. With regard to building structures, it is envisaged to determine and compare the reduced costs for protection options, taking into account the costs incurred in the manufacture of structures, their protection from corrosion, the construction of buildings and structures, as well as costs and losses during their subsequent operation. A distinctive feature between the active and passive parts of fixed assets (assets) is the difference in their functional purpose and in depreciation service life. Buildings and structures, as a rule, are designed for a long-term (60–100 years) period of operation, whereas the service life of technological equipment (10–20 years) is limited not only by physical wear and tear, but also by obsolescence.
Key words: efficiency, depreciation, renovation, corrosion, durability.


Elina Radyukova, Tamara Zagoruiko, Valery Bratchun
Calculation of the Road Surface Made of a Solid Asphalt-Polymer-Sulphur Concrete Mixture for Fatigue Failure in Tension Bending

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. It is shown that the existing network of interurban roads in the Russian Federation with non-rigid road surfaces does not meet the increasing traffic intensity. At the same time, road organizations are moving towards improving the technical level and operational condition of existing roads, as well as the durability of road surfaces. It is established that to increase the durability of non-rigid road surfaces, the design speed of the vehicle, comfort, and safety of movement, it is necessary to use a two-layer structure consisting of a lower layer of solid asphalt-polymer-sulphur concrete mixture and an upper layer of hot coarse-grained asphalt concrete mixture. Using the IRR (Industry Road Regulations) 218.046-01 «Design of Non-rigid Road Surfaces», that is the method of calculating the resistance of monolithic layers to fatigue failure in tension bending, a strength coefficient for the monolithic two-layer structure of the covering is determined, which consists of a solid asphalt-polymer-serobeton mixture (15 cm) and hot coarse-grained asphalt concrete mixture (2 cm). The parameters of the technological temperature regimes during laying and compacting a two-layer asphalt concrete coating are provided. The economic efficiency of the two-layer coating structure is demonstrated, with one layer being a solid asphalt-polymer-sulphur concrete mixture, ensuring the tensile strength and resistance to fatigue failure of the two-layer asphalt concrete coating, while the coarse-grained asphalt concrete provides the specified wheel-to-road surface adhesion coefficient.
Key words: hot solid asphalt-polymer-serobeton, coarse-grained asphalt concrete, coating strength, long-term stability of the coating, technology of construction of a two-layer non-rigid coating.