Issue 2024-4(168) Scientific and technical achievements of students of building and architectural industry


Editorial board


Nikolai Dolgov, Nina Yakovenko, Aleksei Polkovnikov
Potential for Utilisation of Solar Irradiation in Heat Supply Systems on the Territory of Donbass

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The problem of efficient utilisation of energy resources is one of the key issues in the modern energy industry. Annually increasing consumption of thermal energy requires more and more hydrocarbon fuel. One of the ways to solve this problem is the use of alternative energy sources. The most accessible and reliable source of alternative energy is the Sun. The use of solar energy will reduce the consumption of hydrocarbon fuels without reducing thermal energy production. The thermal potential of the solar irradiation as a source of thermal energy for solar thermal systems in Donbass has been analysed. Factors affecting the efficiency of solar energy collection are considered, such as local climatological features, the time of 24-hour day and the season, the angle of inclination and orientation of the absorbing surface.
Key words: alternative energy sources, solar energy, solar irradiation, hot water supply, central heating supply.


Alexey Kireev
Trends in the Development of Automotive Automatic Transmissions. Designs. Operation

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. In order to determine the trends in the development of automatic transmissions, the article examines some of the promising designs created recently, as well as the designs of their individual elements. As an example, the following are selected: an alternative transmission clutch, which functions by analogy with an overrunning clutch; a step-by-step automatic transmission without hydrodynamic transmission, in which the smooth connection of the internal combustion engine and transmission is carried out by friction discs; a gearbox in which a cone with teeth acts as the leading link – the solution allows you to switch gears without interrupting the power flow. The work also compares automatic transmissions produced since the first decade of the current century with those released in 2019–2020, according to a number of parameters: estimated life, mileage of the car before maintenance of the automatic transmission, range and number of gear ratios, oil used. Based on the results, the expected trends in the development of the considered units on cars are formulated.
Key words: gearbox, transmission, trends, reliability, service life, layout gear ratio.


Sergey Matvienko, Ilya Baidak, Artem Podorvanov, Stanislav Lata
Setting the Task of Determining the Full Technical Vehicle Resource

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The article discusses the concepts of the resource of motor vehicles used in the literature, and examines existing models for optimizing the life of a car. The classification of vehicle resources for further research is proposed. The concept of the optimal full technical resource of the car is proposed. The multi-criteria task of optimizing the full technical resource of cars is set. The criteria for optimizing the full technical resource of motor vehicles are defined – environmental safety, safety of technical condition, technical and operational criteria, economic criteria, selection of optimality criteria. The parameters of criteria for optimizing the technical resource of vehicles are determined. The formulation of the optimization problem includes the following stages: selection of optimality criteria, formation of the objective function, selection of controlled parameters, assignment of constraints, normalization of controlled and output parameters. The criteria for optimizing the full technical resource of motor vehicles are defined – environmental safety, safety of technical condition, technical and operational criteria, economic criteria. The parameters of criteria for optimizing the technical resource of motor vehicles are determined.
Key words: resource, optimization, criterion, parameter, reliability, environmental safety, economic indicator, safety of technical condition.


Nikita Savenkov, Chepizhko David, Sergey Papakin, Aleksey Kireev
Development of an Algorithm for Rational Regulation of an Automobile Power Plant Equipped with a Robotic Gearbox

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. For cars equipped with a power plant containing an internal combustion engine and a robotic gearbox, a numerical algorithm for its rational regulation has been developed based on one of the selected efficiency criteria when driving in a standardized driving cycle. A corresponding program has been created, the listing of the simplest version of which in the Mathcad computer algebra software environment is given in the article. The algorithm allows you to work with the speed characteristics of the engine set in various ways, as well as with the characteristics of power losses in the gearbox with a different number of forward stages. The results allow us to obtain any of the calculated operating parameters and indicators of the working process of the power plant at each point in the sequence of unsteady driving modes of the car, for example, a driving cycle.
Key words: car, robotic gearbox, driving cycle, optimization criterion, fuel consumption, gear ratio, algorithm.


Maria Suroven, Marina Chernysh
Reintegration of cultural palaces in accordance with modern trends in the functional filling of public spaces (using the example of the Kirov Palace of Culture in Makeevka)

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The article considers the reintegration of historical and cultural complexes, through the functional filling of existing buildings and complexes, in accordance with modern trends and requirements for filling public spaces. The current situation of both the internal functional content of the Palaces of Culture and the territories adjacent to them is considered. These surveys are carried out on the example of the Kirov Palace of Culture, in the Makeyevka urban district, which includes not only the entrance group (monument and square), but also the territory of the abandoned park. As a result of the research, the main approaches to the reintegration of historical and cultural complexes are proposed through the functional content and semantic connection of the internal and external spaces, as well as strengthening the significance of history through the partial reconstruction of the original meanings located on the territory before the construction of the park and the building of the Palace of Culture.
Key words: reintegration, historical and cultural complexes, Palace of Culture, functional content.


Oksana Sobol, Olga Brizhishova
Arctic Oil Production: Technologies and Prospects

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The main problems of development in the Arctic are high costs and insufficient space for equipment. For areas with harsh conditions and deep waters, the number and size of platforms should be limited to a minimum. Also, wells can be drilled in only one position, which limits drainage and leads to the use of long horizontal wells. There is practically no coastal infrastructure on the coasts of the Arctic seas, practically no transport system, etc. It is necessary to take into account the stringent environmental requirements for the development of oil and gas fields in the open sea, where any accident can negatively affect the entire ecosystem. All these specific features lead to the fact that the development of deposits in the Russian Arctic space requires significant investments, including the purchase of expensive technologies that will allow production in difficult ice conditions and in harsh climatic conditions. Of course, at a high cost of resource development in the most promising Arctic areas of the shelf, the discovery of gigantic and unique deposits balances risks and compensates for the costs of exploration and development of deposits.
Key words: oil, Arctic, production, technologies, prospects.


Antonina Truskalova, Nikolay Prishchenko, Artem Nemchinov
Noise Reduction of External Air Conditioning units of an Office Building in Donetsk in the Adjacent Residential Area

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issues of noise protection of outdoor units of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the territory adjacent to the office building. When working, standard methods of performing calculations and designing noise reduction systems are used. The main sources of noise in an office building are the external units of the ventilation, air heating and air conditioning system located on the facade and covering of the building. In total, 12 external noise sources were identified, located on the facade (S3, S4), the coating of the building (S1, S2, S5-S12). According to the technical documentation of the manufacturers, the noise characteristics of the office building equipment are determined. Based on theoretical calculations, at three points in the residential area, the total sound levels exceed the standard values for daytime from 9,1 to 12,5 dBA. In order to reduce noise to standard values, noise-proof design solutions for acoustic shelters have been developed for each source.
Key words: noise, noise mode, noise-proof design solutions, acoustic shelters, dB, dBA.


Nikita Bachurin, Vyacheslav Stepakin, Ekaterina Buryak
Gas-Dynamic Spraying in the Restoration of Machine Parts

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The method of cold gas dynamic spraying (CGS) makes it possible to apply coatings with a wide range of functional properties to almost any substrate material, restore the geometric dimensions of parts damaged during operation, and restore protective anti-corrosion coatings without labor-intensive dismantling of the structure. The simplicity and manufacturability of the process, the mobility of installations for applying coatings using the CGN method make it possible to use this method both in industrial conditions using robotic systems and in «field» conditions. Methods for restoring metal surfaces of parts are considered. The method of cold gas dynamic spraying (CGS) of metals allows not only to apply various protective and functional coatings, but also, when using plastic materials, to effectively eliminate defects in parts and assemblies for various purposes.
Key words: reliability, repair, cold gas-dynamic spraying, powder materials, gas-dynamic spraying, methods, restoration.


Viacheslav Stepakin, Violetta Postoyenko, Nikita Bachurin
The Influence of the Hybrid Power Plant on the Performance Parameters of the Car

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. One of the promising directions in the automotive industry is the use of hybrid power plants (HPP) to increase fuel efficiency. HPP are a combination of an internal combustion engine (internal combustion engine) and an electric motor that work together to ensure the movement of the car. In such systems, the energy source is the internal combustion engine, which drives the generator armature. The generator generates electrical energy, which is then accumulated by batteries. In turn, the electric motor drives the driving wheels of the car. The use of hybrid power plants can significantly reduce fuel consumption and emissions of harmful substances. Increasing environmental requirements and the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels make the use of hybrid cars increasingly relevant.
Key words: automobile transport, battery, hybrid power plant, internal combustion engine, fuel, operational parameters, energy, efficiency.


Ekaterina Barkalova, Marina Chernysh, Tamara Zagoruiko
The Role of Cultural and Educational Centres in the Restoration and Preservation of Cultural Traditions

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. This article considers the role and importance of cultural and educational centres in maintaining cultural heritage of modern society. The article reveals the fundamental functions, which can be in common or partially laid in the basis of the activity of a cultural and educational centre. The aspects of international relations in the context of the development of cultural communication between representatives of different republics, countries and nations are considered in relation to the activities within the framework of functioning the cultural and educational centre. The aspects of reflection and transmission of the cultural identity represented by the cultural and educational centres within the framework of the formation of architecture are given in this paper.
Key words: cultural heritage, traditions, young people, area, cultural and educational centres.


Timur Radionov, Tamara Zagoruiko, Irina Dikaya
Architectural Methods Forming Children’s Medical Complexes in the Conditions of Reconstruction

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The evolution of architecture of medical buildings and constructions leads to the formation of the modern appearance of medical institutions. Creation of the optimal medical environment directly depends on architectural-planning, town-planning peculiarities, as well as operational factors. Properly designed building, its location, interior space and operating conditions play an important part in providing comfortable and effective medical care. Modern and innovative methods to the reconstruction of children’s medical complexes make it possible to create unique and functional buildings. They are able to significantly improve the quality of medical care and provide comfort for both patients and a medical staff. By using advanced technologies, modern materials and design solutions, it is possible to achieve an optimal combination of aesthetics, efficiency and safety. A professional method to the implementation of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of medical facilities plays a key role in creating a favorable environment for the treatment and restoration of health.
Key words: architecture, reconstruction, modernization, medicine, layout, functionality, adaptation.


Рavel Solovej, Anatoly Perevarjuha, Denis Melnichenko
Comparative Analysis of Modern Methods for Surveying Household Waste Sites

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. A comparative analysis of topographic surveys, including surveys of household waste sites, is presented. The technology of surveying using technical optical theodolites, scales, as well as using modern engineering electronic total stations is presented, their advantages and disadvantages are described. A survey technology using modern electronic total stations equipped with GPS receivers is presented, which eliminates the creation of a survey network in the surveyed area. In heavily built-up and forested areas, surveying is expected to be carried out using automated electronic gyrotacheometers. It is emphasized that in open, non-forested areas, it is most effective to survey using GPS receivers. Noteworthy is the modern technology of surveying using terrestrial laser scanners, which makes it possible to obtain a digital terrain model in a short time and with sufficient accuracy, especially when surveying household waste sites, which is necessary to calculate their volume.
Key words: topographic surveys, modern technologies, electronic tacheometers, gyrotacheometers, comparative analysis.


Lyubov Levchenko, Anastasia Khabibulina
Analysis of Innovative Methods of Ensuring Safety at Chemically Hazardous Facilities in Emergency Situations

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. Chemically hazardous objects pose a serious threat to the environment and human health in case of emergency situations. Chemical safety is an important component of Russia’s national security system. It should be noted that in modern conditions the relevance of the problem of environmental and chemical safety is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, increasing. Ensuring safety at such facilities requires the use of innovative methods and technologies that can effectively respond to emergency situations and minimize their consequences. This work analyzes innovative methods of ensuring safety at chemically hazardous facilities (CHF) in emergency situations, which are important aspects of ensuring the safety of personnel and the population. Achieving the ultimate goal – ensuring chemical safety at the national level – can only be realized as a result of an effective and programmatically coordinated solution to each of the problematic tasks.
Key words: chemically hazardous object, emergency situation, innovative methods.


Daria Basova, Ekaterina Pogosova
Experience in Developing a Digital Information Model in Accordance with Modern Requirements

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
Abstract. This article describes the experience of creating a digital information model taking into account modern requirements using the example of a competitive project of a multi-storey residential building. The author considers the basic principles and methods of creating a digital information model of a capital construction facility, as well as the problems and features that developers face. The article describes the workflow on the model and the programs that were used to successfully complete the tasks. The paper details the normative documents regulating the process of creating BIM models. In conclusion, there are recommendations for optimizing development processes and improving the efficiency of using such models. The article will be useful for novice specialists in the field of construction, engineers, architects, and anyone interested in information modeling technologies (BIM) in design and construction.
Key words: Digital information model, DIM, modeling, properties, building.


Еlena Kalmykova, Timur Vitoslavsky
From the Origins of Carpentry to Modern Woodworking in Construction

The State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution «Makeevka Polyteсhnical College»
Abstract. The article describes the tools for woodworking in the old days and at the present time, and presents a comparison of the work options of carpentry craftsmen. Examples of working with ancient and modern woodworking tools are described. The description of the field of application of manual and mechanized tools is given, with the help of which various technological woodworking operations in construction and industry were performed in the old days and are performed in modern conditions. The article describes the technology of ancient and modern woodworking of structural elements of buildings. The historical facts on the use of ancient tools by carpenters in the processing of wood are given. The principle of operation of various tools is presented and their detailed description is given. Examples of the construction of wooden houses in the old days and in modern conditions are given and the skill of carpenters is analyzed.
Key words: wood processing, hand tools, wooden architecture, building construction, modern woodworking.


Victoria Mazur, Nikita Grishko
Selection of Structural and Technological Solutions for the Restoration of Floors of Large-Block Buildings, Taking into Account Defects and Damages

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The article analyzes the issues of choosing a constructive solution and methods of repair, reinforcement and replacement of ceilings in buildings, taking into account the nature and degree of defects, their location, structural limitations and requirements of sanitary and hygienic safety and aesthetics. Various technologies and methods of organizing repair and restoration work are being investigated, as well as constructive solutions for strengthening and restoring the bearing capacity of floors are being considered. The methods of restoring the protective layer of concrete, reinforcement with additional reinforcement and installation of unloading beams, as well as the use of composite materials are described. The possibility of replacing hollow slabs with monolithic slabs with significant damage is being considered. The conclusions of the article indicate the need for further research in this area, given the variety of defects, design solutions and the cost of work.
Key words: constructive-technological solutions, multi-hollow reinforced concrete floor slab, restoration, defects and damages, large-block buildings.


Viktor Selsky, Vladimir Selsky
Electric Power Problems

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. Power supply systems are essential in ensuring the comfort and safety of people’s lives. Reliable and efficient operation of electricity supply becomes the basis for the economic and social development of society. Serious problems stand in the way of solving the reliability and efficiency of the power supply system. The actual problems of power supply include electrical processes occurring in electrical systems. The causes of power supply problems are manifested in a significant change in the parameters of the mains voltage: instability of its magnitude, shape and frequency, insufficient current capacity. Solving problems requires the introduction of new information technologies to ensure sustainable, reliable and environmentally friendly electricity.
Key words: problems of power supply, quality of electricity, reliability, information.


Evgeniy Gayvoronskiy, Valeria Bakurova
Historical and Architectural Reference Plan of the City of Donetsk: What was the result?

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The article deals with the results of research of the problem of developing the concept of historical-architectural reference plan of Donetsk city. The previous publications considered the statement of this scientific problem, formulated its relevance and scientific research programme, analysed the historical background, formulated modern requirements for historical and architectural reference plans. In continuation of this, seven main historical stages of Donetsk city development are characterised. The analysis of the historical territory of the city of Donetsk allowed to identify the areas of urban development with the highest concentration of cultural heritage objects and their protection zones, which allowed to determine the location of two historical areas – the settlement «New World» and «English Colony» in Voroshilovsky and Leninsky districts. The conclusions about the directions of using the results of the study in the development of conceptual principles and techniques of historical and architectural reference plan of Donetsk city are made.
Key words: historical-architectural supporting plan, Donetsk, historical areas, cultural heritage objects.


Anzhelika Sheremetova, Victoria Sabirova
Features of Processing and Analysis of Spatial Data

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The main goal of existing software systems for cadastral engineers is to create an electronic type of documents to simplify the process of interaction with government authorities in the field of land and property relations. In market conditions, cadastral information obtained as a result of cadastral activities creates the basis in the state and society for the formation of an innovative climate, implemented through innovative technologies. According to the current legislation, the main output documents of the cadastral engineer’s work are: boundary plan; technical plan; map of land management objects; land surveying project; layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory; inspection report. These documents must be prepared both in paper and electronic form. This requires special software systems. Recently, technological breakthroughs have been observed in the field of automation of cadastral work: innovative technologies for collecting, processing and providing information have appeared. One of the main areas of innovation in the field of real estate cadastre is the current software of the cadastral engineer, with the help of which not only the time costs for performing cadastral work are reduced, but also the work of the cadastral engineer is significantly facilitated.
Key words: data, processing, analysis.


Ekaterina Razmyslova, Valery Bratchun
Design of an Asphalt Concrete Plant for the Production of Asphalt Polymer Concrete Mixtures Modified with the Copolymer Polybutadiene-Polystyrene-Polybutadiene, «Kraton»

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. Modification of road bitumen with polymers helps to improve the properties of road clothes, their durability and helps to increase traffic intensity. Of great interest to researchers is the thermoplastics «Kraton», which gives the organic binder not only increased elasticity, but also expands the temperature range of performance, and this is the most important task that scientists set themselves when modifying bitumen. Thermoelastoplasts of the SBS type occupy a leading place in asphalt technologies. The planned asphalt concrete plant provides for the production of asphalt polymer concrete mixtures modified with the polybutadiene-polystyrene «Kraton» copolymer. The quality of the asphalt concrete mixtures produced is ensured by the implementation of the provided technological operations, the selected type of equipment and careful laboratory control of the technological process.
Key words: polybutadiene-polystyrene-polybutadiene, Kraton, asphalt concrete mixtures, modification of road bitumen.


Evgeny Vdovin, Pavel Bulanov, Daniel Vybornov
Improving the Properties of Cement Soils in the Layers of Road Pavement by Modification with a Plasticizer

FSBEI HE «Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering»
Abstract. To increase the repair time of highways and improve the efficiency of road construction, a method of plasticization of cement soils is recommended as one of the effective modification methods in the technology of strengthening soils for road pavement. The effect of a superplasticizer based on nitrogen-containing condensation polymers on the physico-mechanical and design characteristics of a light powdery loam reinforced with portlandcement at different contents has been studied. The positive effect of the superplasticizer and the level of increase in compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, frost resistance coefficients and elastic modulus of plasticized cement primers have been established. Depending on the content of portlandcement and the field of application of reinforced soils in the structures of road pavements, optimal superplasticizer contents have been established.
Key words: cement soils, modification, plasticization, superplasticizer, road pavement, strength, frost resistance, elastic modulus.


Yulia Vasilyeva, Mariia Dortseva
Study of the Processes of Stepwise Tertiary Sedimentation of Treated Wastewater using Reagents

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The possibility of using tertiary sedimentation with the use of reagents for the additional purification of biologically treated wastewater in airlift bioreactors from suspended solids and phosphorus compounds has been studied. The article presents the results of laboratory studies to determine the effectiveness of tertiary sedimentation of biologically treated wastewater in connection with the BOSEB technology (treatment with airlift bioreactors). In laboratory tests, classical reagents were used (coagulant, flocculant, lime). The experimental results showed that the greatest efficiency of tertiary purification from both suspended solids and phosphorus compounds was shown by a scheme with two-stage sedimentation and the introduction of an anionic flocculant at the first stage, and a coagulant at the second, with an increase in the residence time at the second stage to 40 minutes. Indirect confirmation of the hypothesis was obtained that activated sludge particles removed from the clarifier have a positive surface charge.
Key words: tertiary sedimentation, phosphates, turbidity, coagulant, flocculant, activated sludge.


Yulia Vasilyeva
Study of the Influence of a Coagulant on the Operation of a Self-Renewing Suspended Layer of an Airlift Bioreactor During Coprecipitation of Phosphorus Compounds

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The paper presents the results of a study of the operation of a self-renewing suspended layer of activated sludge when introducing a coagulant into an airlift bioreactor. The results of semi-industrial studies of the sludge separation process during reagent coprecipitation of phosphorus compounds in an airlift bioreactor are presented. The dependence of the introduction of a coagulant on the effectiveness of clarification was studied. It has been established that adding a coagulant directly to the bioreactor increases the efficiency of clarification of sludge water in the suspended layer by 10–40 %, depending on the dose of the coagulant. As the coagulant dose increases, a predicted increase in the degree of phosphorus removal is observed. The values of the coprecipitation coefficient are proposed to describe the self-renewing suspended layer of activated sludge in airlift bioreactors. The dependence of the coprecipitation coefficient on the load on the mirror of the protective zone of the clarifier is insignificant, therefore it is considered as a function of the coagulant dose. To describe the dependence of the coprecipitation coefficient on the coagulant dose, a power function was chosen. It has been experimentally established that with increasing dose of coagulant, the coprecipitation coefficient decreases.
Key words: coprecipitation, coagulant, phosphorus, activated sludge, load, clarification, reagent methods of phosphorus removing.


Olga Shumakova, Nikolay Podgorodetsky
Assessment of the Possibility of using Coal-Containing Waste from the Mining and Processing of Donbass Coal as a Raw Material for the Production of Organo-Mineral Fertilizer

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The article presents the results of a scientific study on the use of carbonaceous waste from mining and processing of Donbass coal as a raw material for the production of organic and mineral fertilizers. In Donbass, waste from the coal industry can be a source of mineral fertilizers and an important reserve for improving land fertility. Carbonaceous waste from coal deposits in Donbass are fossil soils of the Carboniferous period and have a sufficiently high chemical fertility. Carbonaceous waste contains a large complex of trace elements with a significant content of potassium and phosphorus. The article examines the origin, structure and chemical composition of rock dumps. The positive and negative sides of the use of carbonaceous waste as fertilizers are considered. Further research is required to study the mechanisms of blocking the availability of heavy metals in the process of mineral nutrition of plants.
Key words: rock dump, carbonaceous waste, organo-mineral fertilizers.


Ekaterina Khodyachikh, Aleksey Zhilchenko, Ekaterina Barkalova
Adaptive Reuse of Abandoned Buildings and Territories

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. Adaptive reuse of abandoned buildings and territories is the process of transforming old and unnecessary structures or areas into new and useful objects for society. This approach avoids additional construction and preserves the historical heritage, as well as saves resources and reduces the negative impact on the environment. Examples of adaptive reuse include the conversion of old factory premises into office buildings, the conversion of abandoned warehouses into cultural centers or art spaces, as well as the development of former industrial areas for parks and recreational areas. Such projects contribute to the development of cities, improve the quality of life and stimulate economic development. This approach contributes to the preservation of cultural diversity and the creation of unique and vibrant spaces for all citizens.
Key words: abandoned buildings, unfinished construction, redevelopment, revitalization, renovation, restoration, architectural space.


Natalia Kholodova, Maria Snutko
The Concept of Architectural and Landscape Formation of a Complex of Social Sports Grounds

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. This article examines examples from modern international practice of architectural and landscape formation of a complex of social sports grounds. It presents an analysis of the current situation and the results of a survey conducted among all categories of users of the territory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution «DONNASA». Based on the analysis of examples of modern architectural and planning solutions from international practice and the results of the survey, a hypothesis of the concept of architectural and landscape formation of a complex of social sports grounds, with the introduction of new sports functional zones on the territory, due to modern social requirements, is proposed. This approach allows you to fully unlock the existing potential of the academy’s territory, offer the missing functionality and create the necessary conditions for a healthy lifestyle during study and recreation by its users and visitors.
Key words: functional sports zones, a complex of social sports grounds, a network of sports zones, a playground with sports equipment, opinion poll, architectural and landscape formation.


Ekaterina Prikhodko, Nikolay Zaichenko
Water Absorption of Aggregates from Construction and Demolution Waste

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The expediency of using scrap of normal weight cement concrete as a coarse aggregate in the composition of concrete is considered. The results of the study of water absorption of aggregate from normal weight cement concrete are presented. Samples obtained from scrap concrete of two grades M100 and M400 were used for the study. The obtained values were compared with a granite aggregate. Studies have shown that the water absorption of aggregate from scrap concrete is higher than from granite one, which must be taken into account when calculating the water-cement ratio of the concrete mixture. Research obtained make it possible to use scrap concrete as aggregates for various types of concrete. This significantly reduces the cost of purchasing raw materials, which in turn reduces the cost of manufactured products. The study of water absorption of aggregate from scrap concrete opens up new opportunities for industry and construction, contributes to the development and conservation of natural resources, economic growth and improvement of the environmental situation.
Key words: aggregate from construction and demolition waste, concrete mix, construction waste, water absorption.