Frost Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Under the Climatic Conditions of Donbass

A. G. Dolya, M. S. Karabelsky, N. K. Kononenko, A. V. Savenkov, I. P. Kayumova

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Abstract: It is well known that road pavements made of asphalt concrete work in difficult climatic conditions, and in some cases this factor plays the decisive role to the maximum extent when alternating positive and negative temperatures affect the car surface, which negatively affects the strength characteristics of the coating layers and bearing capacity pavement in general. In the climatic conditions of Donbass, where the number of transitions of the outdoor temperature through 0 °С is quite high in the autumn-winter-spring period, knowledge of the peculiarities of the influence of this indicator is always relevant. Based on a brief critical analysis of publications on the topic of the article, specific tasks are set for research. The dependencies are given: – the time of acquisition by the asphalt concrete of fine-grained and sandy types in a water-saturated and dry state of the freezing temperature from a given temperature; – tensile strength of asphalt concrete from the freezing temperature and the number of freeze-thaw cycles. The optimum freezing temperatures of asphalt concrete and the freezing time were determined.

Keywords: asphalt concrete, tensile strength, temperature of freezing, sedimentary and igneous rocks.

Pages: 109-114.


Link for citation: Dolya, A. G.; Karabelsky, M. S.; Kononenko, N. K. [et al.]. Frost Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Under the Climatic Conditions of Donbass. – Text : electronic. – In: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. – 2020. – Issue 2020-1(141) Modern building materials. – Р. 109-114. – URL: (date of access: 15.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Issue 2020-1 (141)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture