Fiberglass Micro Pile Reinforcing Soft Clays

N. I. Vatin, R. R. Nurmukhametov

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Abstract: Influence of reinforcing FRP elements on the soft clays is investigated. Fiberglass helical pile was designed and produced by Composite Group LLC. Pile is made with pultruded fiber reinforced polymer pipe and cast iron screw what increases installation speed and life period due to corrosion absence. This type of micro pile is lighter compared to steel screw piles. Scale laboratory tests were performed imitating vertical elements installed at soft water saturated clays. Reduction of the weak clays’ settlements due to implemented reinforcing elements is described. Results of performed laboratory tests are provided. Experiments have shown that after 30 days vertical reinforcing bars reduce the deformations. Also reinforcement reduces the speed of foundation settlements grow during first two days due to long term consolidation.

Keywords: fiberglass, composite pile, helical pile, FRP pile, micro pile, screw pile, water saturated clayey soil, soft clay.

Pages: 107-111.


Link for citation: Vatin, N. I.; Nurmukhametov, R. R. Fiberglass Micro Pile Reinforcing Soft Clays. – Text : electronic. – In: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. – 2020. – Issue 2020-4(144) Scientific and technical achievements of students of the construction and architectural industry. – Р. 107-111. – URL: (date of access: 15.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Issue 2020-4 (144)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture