Designing the Composition of Wet Asphalt Polymer-Slag Concrete Characterized by the Optimal Combination of Coagulation-Crystallization Contacts

V. I. Bratchun, V. V. Jhevanov, Ye. A. Romasyuk, D. O. Balev, B. A. Egorkin, D. Yu. Kolpakov, A. S. Pustovoy

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Abstract: Using the method of experimental-statistical modeling, the optimal concentration of the components of the wet asphalt-polymer slag concrete mixture was determined. It was found that the optimal ratio of components in the mixture in mass parts: screening of crushing of dump open-hearth slag – 100 %, burnt lime – 2%, liquefied bitumen modified with Butonal NS 198 latex (2 % wt.) – 8 %, mixing water – 14 %. It was found that wet asphalt slag concrete of optimized composition is characterized by the number of crystallization contacts 0,44. The compaction temperature range, which for wet asphalt-polymer slag concrete mixtures is 30…90 ° C, corresponds to the most compact arrangement of the particles of the mineral skeleton. The developed composition of wet asphalt-polymer slag concrete is characterized by sufficiently high deformation-strength and corrosive properties along with traditional hot fine-grained concrete. This indicates the expediency of their application for the current repair of the coatings of non-rigid road pavements of highways.

Keywords: asphalt-polymer-slag concrete, structure, properties, patterns of structure formation.

Pages: 15-26.


Link for citation: Bratchun, V. I.; Jhevanov, V. V.; Romasyuk, Ye. A. [et al.]. Designing the Composition of Wet Asphalt Polymer-Slag Concrete Characterized by the Optimal Combination of Coagulation-Crystallization Contacts. – Text : electronic. – In: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. – 2021. – Issue 2021-1(147) Modern building materials. – Р. 15-26. – URL: (date of access: 15.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Issue 2021-1 (147)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture