Optimization of the Fractional Composition of Composite Building Material Made of Recycled High-Pressure Polyethylene and Fine Wood Processing Waste

V. V. YurchenkoState Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «Donetsk Railway Transport Institute»A. Yu. КоtDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureN. S. KurochkinaDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureYe. A. PetrushinaDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract: Optimization of the fractional composition of a composite building material based on high-pressure polyethylene grade 15803-020 and fine-dispersed wood processing waste with a fraction of 0,33…5,00 mm has been carried out. The optimal fractional composition of a composite building material made of recycled high-pressure polyethylene and fine wood processing waste has been determined. The distribution of wood filler by weight and size showed that the largest fraction has a fraction of 0,63…1,25 mm – 49,9 %. The optimal fractional composition of particles of secondary high-pressure polyethylene is provided with a fraction of less than 0,63 mm. Optimal concentrations of components in the product have been experimentally established, which varies in the following range: wood filler 69…71 % by weight, secondary high-pressure polyethylene 26…28 % by weight, modifying additives 3 % by weight (wax – 2,5 % by weight, LLDPE Coupling agent 04688 super concentrate – 0,3 % by weight, flame retardants – 0,2 % by weight).

Keywords: secondary high-pressure polyethylene, fine wood filler, fractional composition, composite polymer material.

Pages: 79-84.


For citation:
For citation: Yurchenko, V. V.; Коt, A. Yu.; Kurochkina, N. S. [et al.]. Optimization of the Fractional Composition of Composite Building Material Made of Recycled High-Pressure Polyethylene and Fine Wood Processing Waste. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture</em>. – 2022. – Issue 2022-1(153) Modern building materials. – Р. 79-84. – URL: https://donnasa.ru/publish_house/journals/vestnik/2022/2022-1(153)/st_10_yurchenko_kot_kurochkina_petruschina.pdf (date of access: 22.12.2024). – ISSN 2519-2817.

Issue Cover
Issue 2022-1 (153)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture