Unique Domestic Geotechnology for the Manufacture of Bored-Injection Piles Using Electro-Discharge Technologies and Electro-Chemical Explosion

A. A. Balashov, O. S. Frolov, T. V. Kosheleva, I. A. Danilevsky, D. I. Lozak

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»

Abstract: Ensuring the safety of buildings and structures in complex engineering and geological conditions is relevant and depends, first of all, on the reliability of the bases and foundations. When strengthening foundation foundations, drilled-injection piles (DIP) are increasingly used, which fix the foundation without dynamic effects. A new direction for increasing their bearing capacity was the use of electro-discharge technologies in their manufacture. In order to expand the area of use of these piles when strengthening the foundations of buildings, a number of issues have been investigated. Obtained results: the possibility and conditions for the use of piles «ERGT», «EKhV», «RIT», «TITAN» when strengthening the foundations of buildings are substantiated, technological parameters are selected, materials are developed and studied, a set of domestic equipment is selected. Calculation and analysis of the stress-strain state of the «base-foundation-above-ground structure» system was carried out using the SP LIRA SAPR, calculation and design of the reinforcement of the base of a multi-storey civil building were made, recommendations for the work were developed.

Keywords: reinforcement, foundation, bored piles, experimental studies, materials, «base-foundation-above-ground structure» system, design, labor protection, economic efficiency.

Pages: 20-23.


Link for citation: Balashov, A. A.; Frolov, O. S.; Kosheleva, T. V. [et al.]. Unique Domestic Geotechnology for the Manufacture of Bored-Injection Piles Using Electro-Discharge Technologies and Electro-Chemical Explosion. – Text : electronic. – In: Вестник Донбасской национальной академии строительства и архитектуры. – 2023. – Issue 2023-4(162) Scientific and technical achievements of students of the construction and architectural industry. – Р. 20-23. – URL: https://donnasa.ru/publish_house/journals/vestnik/2023/2023-4(162)/st_03_balaschov_frolov_koscheleva_danilevskiy_lozak.pdf (date of access: 15.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Issue 2023-4 (162)
Journal: Вестник Донбасской национальной академии строительства и архитектуры
Publish house: ФГБОУ ВО "Донбасская национальная академия строительства и архитектуры"