Fundamental Design Principles of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Constructions Durability

A. A. KhramoginDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureV. N. LevchenkoDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureT. I. ZagoruikoDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract: The article describes general issues and the current state of the multifaceted problem of the durability of reinforced concrete structures, including the main provisions for the design of the durability of reinforced concrete structures, the existing methods for its evaluation, concepts and criteria related to durability.

Keywords: durability, reliability, correlation, modeling, failure-free operation, degradation.

Pages: 94-98.


For citation:
For citation: Khramogin, A. A.; Levchenko, V. N.; Zagoruiko, T. I. Fundamental Design Principles of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Constructions Durability. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture</em>. – 2017. – Issue 2017-4(126) Scientific and technical achievements of students of the construction and architectural industry. – Р. 94-98. – URL: (date of access: 22.12.2024). – ISSN 2519-2817.

Issue Cover
Issue 2017-4 (126)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture