Urban Planning Features and Prerequisites for the Revitalization of Industrial Enterprises of the Donetsk People’s Republic

H. A. Benai, K. A. Yakovenko

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Abstract: The article analyzes the urban development features of industrial enterprises located on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic. In the process of research, the relationship of industrial enterprises of the DPR was examined. Most industrial enterprises in the largest cities of the DPR functioned as a single industrial complex of interconnected enterprises of various industries. The industrial territories of non-operating enterprises should be adapted to the modern urban environment, changing the original purpose. The paper substantiates the need to develop a comprehensive methodology for the revitalization of inacti-ve industrial enterprises, including the solution of urban, environmental, social, functional, economic, organizational and technical problems, as well as determining the most effective way of territorial development.

Keywords: industrial enterprises, reconstruction, revitalization.

Pages: 9-14.


Link for citation: Benai, H. A.; Yakovenko, K. A. Urban Planning Features and Prerequisites for the Revitalization of Industrial Enterprises of the Donetsk People’s Republic. – Text : electronic. – In: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. – 2020. – Issue 2020-2(142) Problems of architecture and urban planning. – Р. 9-14. – URL: https://donnasa.ru/publish_house/journals/vestnik/2020/2020-2(142)/st_02_benai_yakovenko.pdf (date of access: 15.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Issue 2020-2 (142)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture