Modern Approach to the Issue of Piping of Technological Units of Pumping Stations for Fire Extinguishing

A. S. Pavlyuchenkoa, N. I. Grigorenkob, P. V. Polyshchukb

b Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Abstract: The reliability of fire-fighting water supply directly depends on the choice of fire pumps and their correct piping. The article discusses the main shortcomings in the common piping scheme for fire pumps and offers a more reliable and convenient scheme. At the same time, the unfavorable factors of the network operation, which cause water shocks, the operation of the system both in winter and summer periods of the year, as well as in case of false triggering of the system, are considered. The influence of changes in the piping scheme when changing the parameters of the «pump-pipeline» joint work schedule is considered. An option is also proposed for the selection of equipment and the diameter of the pipeline for the test run of the fire pump, which allow it to operate within the limits of high efficiency.

Keywords: fire extinguishing, fire pumps, pump piping, test run line.

Pages: 35-39.


Link for citation: Pavlyuchenko, A. S.; Grigorenko, N. I.; Polyshchuk, P. V. Modern Approach to the Issue of Piping of Technological Units of Pumping Stations for Fire Extinguishing. – Text : electronic. – In: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. – 2021. – Issue 2021-5(151) Engineering systems and man-made safety. – Р. 35-39. – URL: (date of access: 15.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Issue 2021-5 (151)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture