Development of a Model of the Outline of a Repair Map on a Road Surface After Cold Milling

I. V. Shilin, A. V. Khimchenko, Yu. N. Sokolova

Automobile and Road Institute SEI HPE «Donetsk National Technical University», Gorlovka

Abstract: The analysis of the applied methodology for the preparation of damaged sections of road surfaces in the process of their restoration during the current (patching) repair is carried out. The generalized issues of simulation modeling of the process of cold milling of non-rigid pavement are considered and an algorithm for creating a simulation model is presented. The initial data and accepted limitations in the modeling process are described, on which the purity of milling of the deformed coating surface depends. The use of the model in conjunction with other mathematical methods allows, based on the accepted criteria, to obtain the shape of the outline of the surface of the milled repair card and the volume of the repair mixture required to fill it. This technique is generalized and will be improved from the point of view of taking into account the specific designs of the working bodies of road cutters and the technological parameters of cold milling, the main differences in the methodology for determining the need for road-building materials depending on the purity of milling, with the accepted intervals of variation of established factors, are formulated. The main differences in the methodology for determining the need for road-building materials, depending on the purity of milling, with the accepted intervals of variation of the established factors, are formulated. The main directions of further research are established on the basis of the obtained results of simulation modeling.

Keywords: road milling cutter, routing, road surface, cutter.

Pages: 23-30.


Link for citation: Shilin, I. V.; Khimchenko, A. V.; Sokolova, Yu. N. Development of a Model of the Outline of a Repair Map on a Road Surface After Cold Milling. – Text : electronic. – In: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. – 2021. – Issue 2021-6(152) Technology, organization, mechanization and geodetic support of construction. – Р. 23-30. – URL: (date of access: 15.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Issue 2021-6 (152)
Journal: Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture