Issue 2023-3(161) Buildings and structures using new materials and technologies


Editorial board


Valentyne Penchuk, Natalia Yurchenko, Evgenii Anatskii
The Influence of the Professional Qualification of the Crane Operator on the Safety of the Lifting Crane with an Extended Service Life

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. Lifting equipment with an extended service life has low reliability, a minimum set of non-modern devices and safety devices. For the safe operation of lifting equipment, it is necessary to observe a number of factors providing for a systematic approach to their operation, maintenance and repair. Special attention should be paid to the reliability and efficiency of the crane operator’s actions, his professional and personal qualities. The paper analyzes the actions of crane operators, which depend on their working experience. The characteristic of the phases of professional growth is given and it is noted that the peak of professionalism and efficiency of a person is observed after 35 years. A qualified employee is able to operate lifting equipment safely: he can make responsible and effective decisions, make reliable and accurate forecasts, and continue operations in extreme conditions.
Key words: lifting crane, crane operator, qualification, professional qualities, professional experience, reliability.


Viktor Levchenko, Sergii Mashtaler, Kirill Kazak
Reconstruction of Industrial Buildings and its Influence on Intensification of Production

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. Priority lines of capital investments into engineering re-equipment and refurbishment of operating industrial enterprises will be in sight of one of the most important trends in efficiency increase of capital investments into industrial production. Engineering re-equipment and refurbishment permit, in significantly short period of time than at new building or expansion, reaching relatively fast enlargement of product release, increase productivity of labour, efficient use of raw materials and also improvement of quality resulting in cost reduction, mass of profit growth and production profitability. In this case, significant increase of efficiency of capital investments is provided in account of specific capital costs to a power unit, reduction of formation and mastering of facilities and, consequently, investment recoupment. The paper deals with general problems of refurbishment of process buildings and examples of architectural and structural refurbishment of enterprises, and process buildings of some branches of industry.
Key words: refurbishment, intensification, efficiency, planning reserves, moral depreciation.


Ekaterina Voronina, Olga Vul, Sofia Litvina, Evgeniya Tyulyukovskaya
Residential Development in St. Petersburg in the Period 1960–1970

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Institute of Civil Engineering. Higher School of Design and Architecture
Abstract. The article deals with the problems of renovation of micro-districts of standard development built in the USSR in 1960–70s. The authors analyzed the ways of transforming buildings, considered extensive and intensive strategies for design solutions. Today, unique areas of complex development of low and medium-rise buildings with a low population density, in connection with the renovation of territories carried out in large cities of Russia, are a design area that requires modern solutions. The article actualizes the possibility of socially oriented reorganization of existing districts. The draft designs presented by Peter the Great SPbPU students offer fundamentally different options for the renovation of the facades of typical residential buildings using the example of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg – from a significant change in the architectural appearance of the facades to decorative visual techniques using modern technologies.
Key words: architectural design, «khrushchevka», typical building, serial housing, microdistricts of St. Petersburg, renovation, facades.


Yulia Mitskus, Yulia Protonina
Restoration of Historical Appearance of the Guest House on the Territory of the Educational Centre in the Svoboda Township

Regional Budgetary Educational Institution «Kursk State Polytechnic College»
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of modernization and restoration of a historical building (survived fragment) of Guest House in the Svoboda town. This building has a historical importance for Kursk region, but doesn’t correspond to its functional purpose and is not accessible for public. Proposals on the territory development are given with the main idea to combine the past and the present. Besides preservation of the architectural monument it is offered to use the building as an educational and industrial centre, an exhibition complex and tourist object that will allow to solve not only the basic but also an indirect problem – popularization of working professions, increase of prestige of training according to programs of average vocational training. The importance of restoration and development of such territories in the key of combining the heritage of the past and full inclusion in the work for the implementation of activities in the present was noted.
Key words: restoration, development, functional purpose, architectural monument, training and production centre, training, social infrastructure, conservation.


Pavel Solovej, Anatoly Perevarjuha, Alexander Chirva, Roman Polokhov
Modern Geodetic Technologies in the Construction and Usage of High-Rise Buildings and Structures

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The experience of using modern geodetic technologies in the construction and operation of high-rise buildings and structures is summarized. It has been established that the applied method of vertical projection of points from the initial to the mounting horizons using laser and optical PVP devices is not effective, since under the influence of wind load, thermal heating, uneven settlement of foundation bases, etc., optical visibility through the holes in the ceilings may be impaired. In addition, the transfer of axes from the original horizon is carried out to the assembly horizon, where installation work is already underway on the formwork, metal frame and other work, which makes it difficult to use the traditional method of vertical design. The high efficiency of the use of automated geodetic monitoring systems (AGMS) based on GNSS devices, robotic and engineering electronic total stations, electronic levels, electronic sensors (implementers) of the vertical (tilt) of meteorological and geotechnical sensors, etc. is shown on the example of the construction of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper with a height of 828 meters in the United Arab Emirates.
Key words: high-rise buildings and structures, modern geodetic technologies, geodetic support for construction.


Evgeniy Dmitrenko, Andrei Volkov, Vladislav Shvetcov, Dmitry Slykov,
Alexander Khara
Innovative Design of Low-Rise Buildings Made of Precast Reinforced Concrete Elements using High-Quality Lightweight Concrete

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The existing structural solutions of panel buildings are analyzed in this article. The physical and mechanical characteristics of high-quality lightweight concrete are given in this study. Design solutions for a prefabricated building made of precast reinforced concrete elements have been developed for the construction of low-rise buildings using prefabricated multi-layer reinforced concrete wall panels and floor slabs (coverings) made of light high-quality modified concrete, at a relatively low cost, are proposed for further implementation in the restoration of the housing stock of our region. The analysis of the method of calculating the joints of the elements for a large-panel building, as well as the stress-strain state (SSS) of the main structural elements of a prefabricated building. based on the results of a variant static calculation of the building, taking into account the use of modern high-quality concrete of a new generation based on the raw material base of Donbass, was analyzed.
Key words: building structures, precast concrete, large-panel structures, high-quality lightweight concrete.


Tatyana Malyutina, Ivan Ermakov
Construction of a Circular Cylinder with an Axis in the Form of a Circular Sinusoid by the Mobile Simplex Method

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The paper considers a point algorithm for specifying a cylinder, with a guiding axis in the form of a circular sine wave and a generatrix in the form of a circle, based on the MPS (mobile simplex method). The paper uses point equations of a circle and a circular sinusoid, obtained on the basis of graphical algorithms for constructing these curves by methods of BN-calculus (Balyuba-Naydysh point calculus). A computational algorithm for constructing a circular sinusoid with an axis in the form of a circle using polar parametrization of the plane is presented. An algorithm for obtaining a point equation of a circular cylinder with a sinusoidal axis based on the MSM is considered. Examples of constructing a circular sine wave in the plane of the general position and a circular cylinder with a sine axis at different values of the coefficient specifying the number of periods using the Maple software package are given. Such a surface can be used when specifying shells of various technical forms.
Key words: point algorithm, evolvent, ellipse, BN-calculus, mobile simplex method (MSM).


Darya Dostovalova a, Nicholas Podgorodetsky b
Forecasting the Level of Occupational Risk During the Reclamation of a Rock Dump

a Makeevka Research Institute for Mining Safety; b FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The aim of the work is to solve the problem of predicting the parameters of the state of the production environment, hazardous situations and hazardous areas by assessing occupational risks for an unloader on dumps of the 2nd category. Analytical, expert, computational and graphical methods were used in the work. The development of scenarios is based on the protocols of instrumental measurements of harmful and hazardous production factors and proposals from the list of measures approved by the head of the enterprise to improve and improvements working conditions. Based on the studies, a solution to the problem of assessing and reducing the risks of hazardous situations during the reclamation of rock dumps is proposed. The best results can be achieved by implementing «Scenario 10 (complex)», which will lead to a reduction in the level of occupational risk by 92.8 %. Of the scenarios that reduce the harmful effects of only one of the factors, the best are «Scenario 1. Measures for the «Chemical factor», «Physical factor» «Dust» and «Scenario 2. Measures for the «Noise» factor – reducing the level of occupational risk by 50 and 56 % respectively.
Key words: reclamation, working conditions, occupational risk, scenario, hierarchy, forecasting, rock dump.


Konstantin Marenkov, Anastasia Levishcheva
Principles of Architectural Composition in the Formation of Scientific and Educational Centers

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. Currently, the processes of forming the architecture of scientific and educational centers have not been studied enough. This is due to the fact that the typology of buildings of scientific and educational centers is a new direction in the development of architectural and spatial solutions for public facilities. Most of the existing scientific and educational facilities are at the stage of moral and physical deterioration, however, in the world practice of construction and design there are examples of successful and effective in the architectural and spatial sense objects, based on the analysis of which it is possible to formulate fundamental approaches and trends in the formation of the internal space and external appearance of scientific and educational centers. An important feature of the formation of the architectural environment of a modern scientific and educational center is the consideration of current trends in education and science, providing comfortable conditions for productive innovative activities. The article presents the characteristics and analysis of the main factors influencing the formation of the architectural environment of scientific and educational centers. The principal functional groups of spaces, their composition and features are considered, the means of forming the multi-functionality of premises are listed.
Key words: architecture, architectural object, scientific and educational center, architectural composition, spatial organization.


Polina Krasnopivtseva, Victoria Shcheglakova
The Concept of the Development of the Territory of the Organization of Secondary Vocational Education on the Example of the Ushakov branch of the «Svobodinsky Agrarian and Technical College Named After K. K. Rokossovskii»

Regional Budgetary Educational Institution «Kursk State Polytechnic College»
Abstract. The article describes the concept of development of the territory of the Ushakovsky branch of the «Svobodinsky Agrarian Technical College. K. K. Rokossovsky». At the beginning of the study, a survey of the territory was carried out, which revealed the unsatisfactory condition of many buildings and the lack of improvement of the territory of the technical school. Based on the data obtained, a concept for the development of the territory of the educational institution was developed. To implement this concept, it is necessary to go through several stages, starting with clearing and planning the territory, arranging the main building, and ending with the construction of a complex of buildings for the implementation of educational and upbringing processes. The implementation of this concept will help create a comfortable and aesthetically attractive space that meets all modern requirements for educational institutions, and contributes to the development of personality and maintaining the physical health of students, because the health of a teenager, his social and psychological adaptation, normal growth and development is largely determined by the environment in which he lives.
Key words: concept of territory development, landscaping, comfortable space, educational process.


Ivan Matsyuk, Evgeny Vishtorsky, Dmitry Astanin
Determination of the Strength Characteristics of Heavy Cement Concrete Modified with SIKAPLAST-520 N

Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev
Abstract. In connection with the development and diverse use of heavy cement concretes, the tasks of improving and modifying the structure of a concrete composite began to be considered in order to achieve the necessary optimal physical, mechanical and technological characteristics. One of the main properties of heavy concrete is its strength. In this work, the effect of the plasticizing additive SIKAPLAST-520 N on the compressive strength of heavy cement concrete under normal hardening conditions was studied. The expediency of using this chemical plasticizing additive in comparison with additives of other chemical nature is determined. It has been established that the use of SIKAPLAST-520 N allows to increase the strength properties by 19 % in comparison with the control composition. It is recommended to study the chemical additive SIKAPLAST-520 N as part of an organo-mineral modifier, which presumably will further reduce the consumption of cement and at the same time increase the physical and mechanical characteristics of heavy concrete. Also, goals were set for further research in this area.
Key words: concrete, plasticizer, chemical additive, portland cement, water-to-solid ratio.


Anna Shatilyuk, Valeryi Medvedev
Improving the Efficiency of Gas Monitoring at the «Gornyak-95» Mine

FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»
Abstract. The material presented in this paper is devoted to ensuring the safety of work on the gas factor at the «Gornyak – 95» mine by increasing the efficiency of gas monitoring. At the «Gornyak – 95» mine, stationary means of monitoring the mine atmosphere are operated – AT1-1, AT3-1 analyzers, which are designed for continuous local and centralized control of methane, issuing a signal to automatically turn off the electrical energy of the controlled object when the maximum permissible volume fraction of methane is reached. Based on the conducted research, proposals have been developed that contribute to improving the reliability of the equipment used due to redundancy, since by introducing redundancy into the system, the probability of failures of technical devices can be drastically reduced. In addition, it was recommended to use a special device that prevents unauthorized interference in the operation of the equipment (DPUI), which minimizes the risk of an unfavorable situation due to personnel interference in the operation of the equipment.
Key words: automatic gas control, mine, stationary methanometer, reliability, equipment.