Main / Notes for Authors

Notes for Authors

The editorial board of the Online journal “Proceeding of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture” accepts the following materials for publication:

Types of contributions:

  • Articles (presentation of research materials)

Previously unpublished original materials are accepted as publications. The authors are fully responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the submitted materials. The receipt of the materials is confirmed by the editorial board.

The following topics are within the scope of the Journal:

  1. Modern building materials.
  2. Buildings and structures using new materials and technologies.
  3. Scientific and technical achievements of students of the construction and architectural industry.
  4. Engineering systems and technogenic safety.
  5. Technology, organization, mechanization and geodetic support of construction.
  6. Problems of architecture and urban planning.
  7. Building constructions of buildings and structures: design, manufacture, reconstruction and maintenance.
  8. Actual problems of physico-chemical materials science.

Please adhere to these requirements to ensure that your articles are published as quickly as possible.


The list of required documents provided for the publication of the article: 

  1. Article (printed and electronic versions);
  2. Initials and surnames of the authors, names of the organization, title of the article, abstract (100…150 words) and keywords in 2 languages – Russian or English, references at least 6-8 sources, of which at least 50 % are foreign sources with a citation index (printed and electronic versions);
  3. Author’s reference in 2 languages, it is provided in two forms:
    Form 1:
    in the electronic and printed version (included in the payment of the article): surname, first name, patronymic; scientific degrees, position of the author; name of the organization (place of work of the author) in this order – department, division, organization, scientists, academic and honorary titles of the author; scientific interests);
    Form 2:
     only in the printed version (not included in the payment of the article): surname, first name, patronymic ; date, month, year of birth; name of the organization (place of work of the author) in this order – organization, division, faculty, department, postal address of the organization in this order – house, street, index, city, country; full postal home address in this order – house, street, zip code, city, country; e-mail address of the author; telephones and telefaxes indicating country and city codes; position of the author; scientific degrees, academic, academic and honorary titles of the author; scientific interests).
  4. Expert opinion;
  5. Review, signed by a candidate or doctor of sciences of the relevant profile (the signature is stamped);
  6. The document confirming the payment (the cost of payment includes work on the preparation of materials of paragraphs 1-3);
  7. Electronic media with the texts of the article, annotations, copyrights.

The cost of payment is determined by the editorial board, and can be adjusted for each issue individually. The cost of payment for an article includes the number of pages of a printed article that meets the basic requirements for articles, including annotations in 2 languages and an author’s certificate (form 1).


Basic requirements 

Articles are submitted in Russian or English. The article is provided to the editors in electronic form in Microsoft Word format and in printed form in A4 format of at least 8 full pages.

Sheet format – A4, the orientation is portrait.
Margins – right, left, bottom and top – 20 mm each.
Font – Times New Roman Cyr.
Font Size – 12 points.
Line spacing – sesquialteral.
Text alignment – on the left edge, without hyphenation.
Paragraph – 10 mm.

The printed text of the article must be signed by all authors without exception. The electronic and printed versions must be identical. No more than two articles by the same author (including co-authorship) can be published in one issue. All articles submitted to the editorial board are reviewed.

The scheme of the organization of the article material:

  • UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) Index;
  • Initials and surnames of the authors;
  • Place of work;
  • The title of the article;
  • Annotation;
  • Keywords;
  • The main text of the article with the allocation of structural elements (see “text style”);
  • References;
  • Appendixes*;
  • Author’s reference

(Items marked with an asterisk are optional).

Sample design of the article see here.

Text style

The text of the article should be concise and contain the necessary structural elements:

  • the formulation of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent studies and publications in which the resolution of this problem has begun and on which the author relies, highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;
  • formulation of the objectives of the article (setting the task);
  • presentation of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results;
  • conclusions from this study and prospects for further development in this direction.

Title, authors, abstract, keywords 

The UDC is in the upper left corner. The initials and surname of the authors in Times New Roman font are 12 points in bold. Under the list of authors, the line below contains a list of organizations where the authors work. At the same time, if there are two or more organizations and the number of authors is more than two, the number of the organization from the list is given after each author in the form of an upper index, and the list of organizations is numbered (in Latin letters). The title of the article is placed in the middle of the width of the text field. The font is Times New Roman 12 points in lowercase letters in bold, the uppercase letter is uppercase. Below is the abstract of the article in the same language as the article. Keywords are written under the annotation in bold 12 points. All values are given in the SI system. Abbreviations and abbreviations are used only for well-known concepts and names. It is allowed to use author’s abbreviations and abbreviations, which must be deciphered after their first appearance in the text. The article should contain end-to-end numbering of pages, illustrations and tables (in Arabic numerals).

Tables and illustrations 

The size of tables and illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, graphs) should not exceed the printed field of the page. Tables should have titles, and illustrations should have captions. A link is required for each table and figure in the text. Illustrations are made only with black lines (NOT colored or gray). It is advisable to use Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and CorelDRAW editors to create them (without using other programs). Drawings made in Microsoft Word should be grouped beforehand. Photos must be present in printed and electronic versions of the article, as well as additionally provided as separate files in JPG or TIFF format of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).


All formulas and their transcriptions, as well as Greek characters in the text of the article, are typed only in the Microsoft Equation formula editor. Formula numbers are written in parentheses on the right edge of the print field. When writing mathematical formulas, preparing graphs, diagrams, and flowcharts, font sizes smaller than 8 points are not allowed.


References to the literature used are given in the text in square brackets, indicating the number of the source given in the “Literature” section. The description of the literature sources is given at the end of the article in accordance with the accepted standards of bibliographic description (GOST R 7.0.100-2018. “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation”). Changes in the new GOST 7.0.100-2018 standard can be viewed here.

Examination and review

All incoming materials of articles are examined and reviewed by the Editorial Board for expert evaluation, confirmation of accuracy, reliability, objectivity and novelty. All reviewers are recognized experts in their field and have published on the subject of peer-reviewed materials over the past 3 years. The editorial board of the publication sends the authors of the submitted materials copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to publish the materials. Changes in the text on significant issues are made only by the authors with the approval of the corrected text. The editorial board may make minor editorial changes in order to correct grammatical, lexical errors, or improve the perception of the text. The authors can recommend specialists for reviewing the materials. At the same time, the Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or not accept these recommendations. Correspondence between the Editorial staff and the author’s team is usually conducted with the first author on the list, unless otherwise indicated by the authors. The reviews are kept in the Editorial Office of the publication for 5 years. For authors from the Russian Federation, the editorial board sends copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request.